Wednesday 31 December 2014

Relive 2014- The year it was!

Last day of the year bringing in some lasting memories that this year gave me throughout. 2014 has been an amazing year, well, I should say it covered up the piece of mess 2013 had created for me!

January started off with some super celebrations of Uttarayan and my dear cousin’s wedding that had elements of traditions and departure of a friend in sister! And ofcourse, January gifted me my official “Degree of Engineering” certifying me as a Computer engineer legally. Following months were great, seeing some big fat Indian weddings of relatives, one of which I remember was in February and best so far that I have attended. Wedding of a distant cousin Jay, where-in the reception had a Book of pages depicting the story of girl & boy & last page had their real entry, indeed something different and prince-princess like thing, the feast was royal with different cuisines to relish! Celebrations and party season began with May, went upto November, having Birthday parties, meet ups and some little reunions that gave super collection of Memories, Photos and Selfies :D

Some major events that 2014 gave me- Organizing the cultural festival of college, from theme to auditions to working extra hours, dealing with authorities to students, the experience of handling one such big event was fruitful & so was the outcome with media coverage, fun and success party as followed. August got me the gift of illness of 10 days, after a long time such a sick season came to meet me, keeping me away from work for this span of time. Another gift of August was “TWhatsapp”, Yes! A crazy bunch of Twitteratis in this group of Whatsapp got me connected to people or rather friends forever type people. TWhatsapp with insane craziness and non-stop chatting I had ever seen where people could be active 24x7, make you laugh, get silly & still you can laugh more!

My Birthday month was the best month of this year! Beginning with 1st October, that took me on my first ever TRIP to Mumbai, Pune & Lonavala covering Adlabs Imagica. The first train journey, tour of awesomeness, the best part was it was all-in-all a Girls gang trip, so managing things from commuting to stay to fun was all one-of-its-kind experience! Visiting Adlabs Imagica and the breath-stopping rides there- adventure to its best, Mumbai darshan made me meet a bunch of people there whom I got connected through Twitter, and this small meetup will be cherished for forever. Pune Pubs & Lonavala’s nature had mesmerizing memories to be framed.

One more reason for Best October was “FIRST AIR JOURNEY”! Woah! Yes, Folks at SonyMix gave me this opportunity to travel through flight for first time to their Mumbai office & gave that Celeb treatment getting me acquainted with the working there on & all other stuff, “13th October,2014” will thus be special always. Then came my birthday, friends and family made it too special from midnight surprise to whole night calls & special wishes to surprise cakes & gifts, the birthday was one of the best birthdays. October had so many parties for my friend was just getting married off and it was her last month at work so the craziness was on to celebrate it & give her lifetime memories.

“When its your BFF’s wedding, a sea of mixed emotions cloud up”- that’s exactly how I felt when my BFF got married this year and went on for a happy life with her soul-mate this November. The month of December, the cold month with winter delight & Christmas mood, got cute surprise gifts & played a Santee as well, again first real good celebration of Christmas!

And this brings to a small snapshot of the 2014! The year that gave me many “First Ever” experiences, Friends getting engaged and married, meeting & connecting to lovely people, celebrations and entertainment. Looking forward to 2015 with a new view, no good concrete plans, but live it with zeal & Celebrate every moment!

Yes 2015, let us Begin! ;)