Sunday 8 February 2015

Style is my own Definition.

Dedicating This post to express my style mantra for the ‘A Style Of My Own’ blogger contest by Women’s Web and Trishla emart

Style is an essential element of a girl for her to exhibit feminism. According to me Style symbolizes that we are Living and not just surviving, something that makes each one a unique one. Being from a Geek background, my synchronisation with style has been simple, elegant and classy. A girl on the go, with lots to accomplish, being in Trend and meeting the end has been focus always. 
I like classic styles that will last. 

Buying right is important if you have to maintain your style, the clothes or the trend may not be the latest fashion, but if you know what suits and you can carry it well, then yes, I say it defines you! I have never followed fashion blindly, as they say Fashion is temporary but style is eternal. My style of being in COMFORT, CHIC & CLASSY makes me unique from all points. Whether it is adorning a Indo-Western look with heavy jewellery for an Indian function or going for Simple LBD with Heels that turn the heads, all I do is carry a spunk and balance it right with Make up, hair do & accessory.

A must have set of things for Swati's Style include A classy Watch, Pair of denims, Kitten heels and focused eye make up & I am set to rock.
Style for me is "S"ensuous, "T"errific, "Y"elling, "L"ovable, "E"legant Factor!